Good Posture
Good Posture

Good Posture (2019)

Original Title: “Good Posture“

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Lillian moves in with married couple Julia and Don only to overhear them arguing in the night. The front door slams as Don moves out, and the following days sees Lillian, selfish and irresponsible, having to earn her keep by cooking for Julia, a reclusive, distrustful writer who rarely emerges from her room. Though communicating largely through notes, the odd couple gradually forge a bond and help one another to negotiate the foibles, phobias and obstacles that have long hindered their happiness.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 32 minutes
Original Language:
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Updated: 5/17/2024


Currently, you can only stream Good Posture on Peacock TV in the the United States.

Currently, you can only buy or rent Good Posture on Amazon in the the United States, with prices starting from $4.99.

Good Posture was released 5 years ago in 2019.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States. But is available on these providers in the United States: Peacock TV.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States. But is available on these providers in the United States: Peacock TV.


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